Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Concert Report: BRASS FIREWORKS!

"Brass Fireworks!" was a huge success! We had over 300 people turn out for the concert, which wasn't what we were hoping for, but still represents 430% more attendees than our last full-length concert. It that respect, we can certainly count it as a step in the right direction!

The audience turned out to be a very enthusiastic and generous. The best audience we've played for. The energy of the band fed the energy of the audience, which in turn fed the energy of the band!

We're currently at work editing the audio and video and we'll have some video posted on the website soon.

If you haven't purchased your tickets to "O, Holy Brass!" on December 9, then I invite you to visit our home page where you'll have an opportunity to purchase tickets and pre-order a CD of the concert.

Keep in mind that this next concert can only accommodate 200 attendees, so we expect to sell out the show. If you'd like to be there, then you'll want to purchase your tickets early!

Photos and video are coming soon, so stay tuned...

J. Aaron Stanley, President
L.A. Metro Brass Band

1 comment:

John Zapp said...

Sounds like a great time! Have you heard of the Flying Musicians Association? We just formed and are on the look-out for Pilot Musicians. Please let me know how to get the word out to the LAMBB and beyound. BTW - We need a picture of a Tuba in a J3 Cub - any takers?
